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Increasing black vulture’s food availability!
2 November 2012

The first feeding stations for scavenger birds implemented under the scope of the project aiming black vulture’s conservation are already licensed and functioning! It is a huge step towards the enhancement of the feeding conditions and establishment of this threatened bird species in the southeast of Alentejo.

At the moment, Habitat Lince Abutre LIFE project has four feeding stations licensed by national authorities functioning at the regions of Mourão, Moura and Barrancos and Guadiana Valley, and its use by black vultures has already been confirmed! These structures are part of a network of feeding stations that is being implemented in Southeast Alentejo and that will provide food for this scavenger bird distributed in space and time. Soon, more areas will integrate this network, including two that are currently waiting for permitting.

These feeding stations consist of small areas properly fenced and accessible only to scavenger birds. They follow rigorous sanitary procedures, maintenance and monitoring, therefore contributing to the enhancement of black vulture’s feeding conditions without putting at risk public health.
Their implementation is undertaken in cooperation with private and public estates and/or hunting areas, taking advantage of carcasses and sub-products of cattle husbandry and of game activity. Besides licensed accordingly to national and EU legislation, this network of feeding stations is fully articulated with official collecting and elimination systems of animal sub-products, and will contribute to the conservation targets of Portugal’s Strategy for the Conservation of Scavenger Birds, presently in preparation.

Together with other conservation measures, also targeted at black vulture, and in a straight cooperation with landowners, farmers and hunters, we expect that in a nearby future this Critically Endangered species will gather conditions to breed once again in the Southeast of Portugal.


Photographs taken on a project's feeding station for black vulture