Project | Actions | 
Environmental awareness and dissemination of results
Environmental awareness and dissemination of results

To facilitate the implementation of the project, these actions include activities of information, public participation, environmental awareness and disclosure of the project and its results, targeted to the general public and to other stakeholders that can usefully benefit from the project's experience.

Actions of environmental education, awareness and disclosure
Public Participation
Promotion of Natura 2000 Network

Actions of environmental education, awareness and disclosure

The several actions foreseen in the project to public awareness and dissemination of results include: elaboration of awareness and environmental education materials, such as, for example, leaflets about the project and its target species, a small booklet for children, a cartoon book for teenagers and adults, a mobile exposition and a layman’s report on the project; the online availability of information about the project; demonstration of habitat management actions; awareness actions targeted at local populations and local and regional stakeholders; environmental education actions at schools; information and dissemination of results to the media; and participation in scientific meetings.
These actions also include some workshops targeted at nature conservation technicians, local stakeholders (e.g. farmers, hunters, livestock farmers), technicians from associations for local development and civil servants from local and regional authorities. One of these workshops will focus on the construction of artificial nests for Black Vulture (construction of the nest’s structure, choice of suitable areas, monitoring, etc.) and will have the participation of experts in this field. Among others, there will also be a workshop on the use of feeding stations for Black Vulture targeted at livestock farmers and hunters of the SPAs of Mourão/Moura/Barrancos and Guadiana Valley, to inform them on the advantages of the existence of feeding stations and encouraging their use after the end of the project.

Public Participation

There will be an evaluation and monitoring of attitudes’ changes towards the conservation of the Iberian lynx, the Black Vulture and the Mediterranean ecosystem in the project’s area of intervention. Two participatory workshops will also be conducted, with the participation of local and regional stakeholders that will address issues related with the difficulties and opportunities they face in each area, contributing to a more efficient management of the project’s regions of intervention. These meetings will also contribute to strengthen the relations between the local stakeholders involved.
The results of these meetings will be later analyzed and presented in a report that shall be validated by the participants before becoming publicly available. This report will document the main themes that need intervention after the implementation of the project, having in mind local and regional stakeholders’ views.

Promotion of Natura 2000 Network

The data and conclusions resulting from the Project will contribute for the planning and management of the Natura 2000 Network and for the conservation of species present at these areas, particularly the Iberian Lynx and Black Vulture. For this purpose, meetings will be held with national and regional authorities responsible for the management of the areas within Natura 2000 Network. Results and relevant data will be shared with these authorities, so that they can be used for better planning and managing this network. Furthermore, local society will be involved whenever possible – the participation of different stakeholders is expected to improve local attitudes and perceptions towards Natura 2000 Network, which will contribute for better social acceptance and, therefore, more efficient conservation and management of natural resources within this network.