This set of actions is related with the management of the project and the activities undertaken by the beneficiaries for its implementation (e.g. administrative, technical and financial aspects). It also encompasses actions to monitoring and evaluate the effect of the conservation actions on the habitats and species targeted by the project.
General coordination and Project management by LPN
Technical and scientific advisory group
Stakeholder participation
Monitoring of conservation actions
Articulation between the LIFE Project and the Action Plan for the Conservation of the Iberian Lynx in Portugal
After-LIFE Conservation Plan
General coordination and Project management by LPN
The general coordination of the Project is LPN’s responsibility, while coordinator beneficiary. The associated beneficiaries (CEAI, ANPC, AJAM, DGV, ICNB and CIS) constitute a complex organized web that strengthens the project, allowing the accomplishment of the proposed objectives more successfully, when scheduled and with excellence. The Project head office is at LPN’s facilities, in Lisbon, in order to ensure a good coordination of all actions and an effective synchronization of the partners’ activities. The Project team is composed by 18 technicians who have an active contribution on office and field work. Nevertheless, only 9 of them work at a full time basis.
Technical and scientific advisory group
The Project will have the support and recommendations of a technical and scientific advisory group constituted by Portuguese and Spanish experts from universities, research centers, national authorities, environmental NGOs, among others. This group of experts will meet regularly to give specific support, holding the needed knowledge and experience to advise the coordination (and partners) of the project in the implementation of the actions on the best decisions to take on each action, ensuring that those decisions are taken considering transnational conservation planning, contributing to a more effective execution of the objectives.
Stakeholder participation
This action will contribute to ensure the understanding and articulation between the different entities and their interests, establishing contacts with every regional and national stakeholders that will (directly or indirectly) participate in the Project's implementation, either public or private, from different sectors. These contacts aim to promote the debate on the actions and procedures to take into account in the scope of the project.
Monitoring of conservation actions
Monitoring allows the evaluation of the project progress, detection of problems and making corrections and changes, when necessary, to increase effectiveness. Moreover, it allows assessing whether management measures are having a positive impact on the targeted species. Therefore, this action intends to define and implement adequate procedures for monitoring the fulfillment of the project’s aims and the results achieved with the conservation actions.
Articulation between the LIFE Project and the Action Plan for the Conservation of the Iberian Lynx in Portugal
This action will establish the link between the Project and the Action Plan for the Iberian Lynx in Portugal, therefore contributing to its implementation. The
Action Plan was approved by the Portuguese Government in May 2008 and is the guideline for the development of actions towards the conservation of this species in Portugal, contributing to the European Action Plan for the Conservation of the Iberian Lynx.
After-LIFE Conservation Plan
At the end of the Project an After-LIFE Conservation Plan will be elaborated and presented to ensure the long-term conservation of the Iberian Lynx and Black Vulture's habitats, by continuing to develop conservation actions targeted at these species. This Plan will contain information on the results obtained and lessons learnt with the Project's experience, indicating possible constraints and threats to the targeted species, identifying future conservation needs and suggesting measures to be implemented in the study areas or in other areas identical to the ones of the project, with potential habitat for the Iberian Lynx and Black Vulture. The Plan will also contain detailed information on how the actions begun in this Project are planed to be carried out in the following years.