LPN – Liga para a Protecção da Natureza
CEAI – Centro de Estudos da Avifauna Ibérica
ANPC – Associação Nacional de Proprietários Rurais, Gestão Cinegética e Biodiversidade
AJAM – Associação dos Jovens Agricultores de Moura
DGAV – Direcção-Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária
ICNF – Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas
CIS – Centro de Investigação e de Intervenção Social
LPN – Liga para a Protecção da Natureza

Eduardo de Basto e Santos
programa.lince[at]lpn.pt | +351 964119504
Project Coordinator
Responsible for the technical and financial management of the project, coordinating the work among all the beneficiaries and ensure effective communication with the Technical and Scientific Advisory Group.

Alfonso Godino
alfonsogodino[at]gmail.com | +351 910942839
Senior Technician
Responsible for the coordination, implementation and monitoring of the conservation actions targeted at the Black Vulture.

Carla Filipa de Mira Loureiro
filipa.loureiro[at]lpn.pt | +351 964119504
Senior Technician
Planning and execution of field work. Establishment of management agreements with landowners, hunters and farmers. Support in environmental awareness activities and in the elaboration of dissemination materials. Elaboration of technical reports.

David Delgado
david.delgado[at]lpn.pt | +351 918063485
Veterinary Technician
Veterinary monitoring and hygiene and sanitary control in the implementation and supply of the feeding stations network for Black Vulture.

Nuno Curado
nuno.curado[at]lpn.pt | +351 962576448
Biologist Technician
Planning and execution of field work and monitoring actions. Responsible for the elaboration of the cartography associated to the project. Support in the establishment of management agreements with landowners, farmers and hunters. Support and implementation of the project’s conservation actions.

Ana Rita Martins
lince[at]lpn.pt | +351 962576448
Biologist Technician
Support in the establishment of management agreements with landowners, farmers and hunters. Support to and implementation of conservation actions and monitoring of the project. Support in the elaboration of environmental awareness activities and dissemination materials and in the elaboration of technical reports.

Manuel Gouveia da Silva
lince.abutre[at]lpn.pt | +351 217780097
Coordination / Administrative assistant
Assistance to the coordination of the project in administrative and financial tasks. Articulation with the associated beneficiaries and establishment of contacts.
CEAI – Centro de Estudos da Avifauna Ibérica

Sérgio Correia
scorreia[at]ceai.pt | +351 266746102 | +351 962092624
Biologist Technician
Implementation and monitoring of the conservation actions targeted at the Black Vulture. Implementation of environmental awareness and education activities targeted at local schools.
ANPC – Associação Nacional de Proprietários Rurais, Gestão Cinegética e Biodiversidade

João M. B. Silva Carvalho
As Secretary-General and responsible for coordinating the technical team of ANPC, ensured the kick-off of the project.

Miguel Capelo Gonçalves
Forest Engineer Technician
As ANPC’s technician, ensures support to the project by establishing contacts with stakeholders, negotiating agreements, obtaining technical information, among others.
AJAM – Associação dos Jovens Agricultores de Moura

António Miguel Barreto Rosado
As manager and responsible for coordinating the technical team of AJAM, ensured the kick-off of the project.

Miguel Raposo Pedro
Animal Production Engineer Technician
As AJAM’s technician, ensures support to the project by establishing contacts with stakeholders, negotiating agreements, obtaining technical information, among others.
DGAV – Direcção-Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária

Patrícia Tavares Santos
psantos[at]dgav.pt | +351 213239673
Veterinary Technician
Responsible for the assessment of the sanitary status of domestic and wild fauna that share pathologies and potential habitat with the Iberian lynx and for DGV’s participation in the project.

Pedro Melo
Veterinary Technician
ICNF – Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas

Maria de Lurdes Carvalho
Senior Technician
Will ensure the articulation of the project with the Action Plan for the Conservation of the Iberian lynx in Portugal, as its executive coordination.

Pedro Rocha
Senior Manager
Support to the project's management and articulation with the conservation at the regional level, particularly with the Management Plan of the Guadiana Valley Natural Park. Enhancement of stakeholders' participation.

Margarida Fernandes
Biologist Technician
Enhancement of technical and scientific support to the project.

Sandra Moutinho
Public relations
Promotion of contacts in the media and promotion of the Natura 2000 network.
CIS – Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Social

Paula Castro
Senior Technician
Responsible for coordinating and supervising the activities undertaken by CIS in the scope of the project, ensuring its scientific and methodological accuracy, and contacts with the other beneficiaries of the project.

Carla Mouro
Research Technician
Collaboration in planning CIS’ activities in the project and in the design and preparation of materials for its implementation. Preparation of technical reports and supervision of CIS’ financial reports.

Leonor Bettencourt
Grant Holder Technician
Design and elaboration of materials for the conduction of surveys and workshops. Contact with the participants and institutions involved in CIS’ activities of the project. [2013-2014]

Jorge Silva
Grant Holder Technician
Design and elaboration of materials for the conduction of surveys. Contact with the participants and institutions involved in CIS’ activities of the project. [2010-2011]