Coordinating beneficiary
LPN – Liga para a Protecção da Natureza (League for the Protection of Nature)

Associated beneficiaries
CEAI – Centro de Estudos da Avifauna Ibérica (Center for Studies of Iberian Avifauna)
ANPC – Associação Nacional de Proprietários Rurais, Gestão Cinegética e Biodiversidade (National Association of Rural Landowners, Biodiversity and Hunting Management )
AJAM – Associação dos Jovens Agricultores de Moura (Association of Moura’s Young Farmers)
DGAV – Direcção-Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária (General-Directorate of Food and Veterinary Services)
ICNF – Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas (Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests)
CIS – Centro de Investigação e de Intervenção Social (Centre for Social Research and Intervention)

LPN – Liga para a Protecção da Natureza

LPN is an Environmental Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), non-profit and with public interest status. Founded in 1948, it is the oldest Environmental NGO in the Iberian Peninsula, with headquarters at Lisbon and delegations and offices at the Center, Alentejo and Algarve.
LPN’s mission is to contribute to nature conservation and environment protection, in a perspective of sustainable development, ensuring the quality of life for present and future generations. LPN’s main activities include the support to environmental matters at a national and international level, the implementation of Nature Conservation projects and Educational, Training and Environmental Awareness activities.
In 2004, in a partnership with Fauna & Flora International (FFI), LPN created the Lynx Programme, aiming to ensure the long term conservation and management of a corridor of Mediterranean habitat suitable for the Iberian lynx in the South of Portugal, making the conservation of threatened habitats and species compatible with hunting and other local economic activities.
LPN also holds a wide experience in avifauna conservation, namely steppe birds and their habitats. Distinguished with several awards, LPN’s Sustainable Castro Verde Programme promotes since 1993 the sustainable development of pseudo-steppe ecosystem in the region of Campo Branco, demonstrating the success of the co-existence between nature conservation and local socio-economic activities.
Institutional contacts
Headquarters: Estrada do Calhariz de Benfica, nº 187, 1500-124 Lisboa, Portugal
Phone.: +351 217780097 | +351 217740155 | +351 271740176
Cell: +351 964656033
FAX: +351 217783208
E-mail: lpn.natureza[arroba]

CEAI – Centro de Estudos da Avifauna Ibérica

CEAI is an Environmental Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), non-profit and with its headquarters at Évora. Created in 1991, CEAI’s main objective is to contribute to the conservation of nature in a sustainable development perspective. Therefore, it develops several activities, namely studies in the field of natural sciences, conservation actions addressed at species or habitats, disclosure and environmental education.
Its action is directed to the South of Portugal (Alentejo and Algarve), and is developed from three facilities:
- The headquarters (in the historical center of Évora),
- The Environmental Center of S. Matias (in the civil parish of Guadalupe, Évora council) and
- The Biological Station of Garducho (in the civil parish of Granja, Mourão council).
Nowadays, CEAI has around 550 members and 18 technicians in the fields of natural sciences, sociology and management. CEAI’s technicians of the LIFE Habitat Lince Abutre project are based at the Biological Station of Garducho.
Institutional contacts
Headquarters: Rua do Raimundo, 119, Apartado 535, 7002-506 Évora
Phone: +351 266746102 | +351 962092624
Fax: +351 266745782
E-mail: info[arroba]

ANPC – Associação Nacional de Proprietários Rurais, Gestão Cinegética e Biodiversidade

The National Association of Rural Landowners, Biodiversity and Hunting Management (ANPC) is a non-profit entity, created in 1991. It congregates companies (dealers of touristic hunting areas), associations of hunters (dealers of associative hunting areas) and rural landowners.
ANPC objectives are the defense of the interests of landowners and game producers, in particular, and of national game, in general, with the motto: By Hunting, Rural Development and the Conservation of Natural Resources. To this end, ANPC regularly participates in projects that aim for the development of the hunting sector and in projects of demonstration, disclosure, experimentation and research, in the areas of hunting, rural development and conservation of natural resources.
Concerning the conservation of natural resources, ANPC is member of the Executive Commission of the Action Plan for the Conservation of the Iberian Lynx, where it seeks to ensure the establishment of closer relations between rural landowners and hunting managers with issues on the conservation of this species and of natural resources in general.
Overall, ANPC intends to contribute for game to be, more and more, a factor of rural development and for its rational and sustainable management in balance with other rural activities – a key factor for the conservation and protection of nature, and a complement or alternative to current agro-forestry activities.

Institutional contacts
Headquarters: Av. Colégio Militar, Lote 1786, 1549-012 Lisboa
Phone/Fax: +351 217100029
E-mail: anpc[arroba]

AJAM – Associação dos Jovens Agricultores de Moura

The Association of Moura’s Young Farmers (AJAM) was created in the 3rd October 1984, and its main objectives are: advocacy, representation and promotion of the economic and social interests of young and non-young associated farmers, information, training and work for hire related with agriculture.
This organization currently has 600 members whose farms have an average size of 15 hectares.
The organization, through its services, provides support to its associates for:
- The development and elaboration of investment projects to improve their farms;
- Accounting and management of the agricultural enterprise;
- Technical support;
- Acceptance of applications and subsidies IACS / INGA (National Institute of Intervention and Agricultural Guarantee);
- Professional training;
- Information / disclosure, through meetings for clarification.
AJAM is a non-profit entity whose practical objective is provide all the required services for the high-quality development of the agricultural practices of its members, in the context, and with the requirements the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) imposes.

Institutional contacts
Headquarters: Praça Gago Coutinho, 3 Apartado 21 - 7860-010 Moura
Phone/Fax: +351 285253730
E-mail: mail[arroba]

DGAV – Direcção-Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária

The General-Directorate of Food and Veterinary Services (DGAV) has as mission the implementation and evaluation of veterinary health policies, of animal protection and animal and public health, in the scope of its attributions, performing its functions as the national veterinary health authority.

DGAV is also responsible for:
- Planning and define information system to collect data related with animal pathologies;
- Plan and coordinate the implementation of epidemiological studies;
- Statistical and epidemiological treatment of data from animal pathologies;
- Develop and apply contingency plans, promote its disclosure, awareness and exercises of simulacrum and training;
- Participate with other institutions and services in actions of surveillance and contingency of diseases and/or emergent epizooties.

The specific attributions of DGAV can be consulted in the Regulamentary Decree N. 11/2007, of 27th February

Institutional contacts
Headquarters: Largo da Academia Nacional das Belas Artes, nº 2 - 1249-105 Lisboa
Phone: +351 213 239 500
Green line (free call) – 800 207 275
Blue line (local call) – 808 202 633
Fax: +351 213 463 518
E-mail: dirgeral[arroba]

ICNF, I.P. – Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas

ICNF, I.P. mission is to promote, accompany and ensure the implementation of the policies of nature and biodiversity conservation and the management of protected areas, aiming the valorization and the public recognition of the natural patrimony.
The Institute, in according with the Decree of Law No. 136/2007, of 27th April, resumed attributions of the Ministry for Environment and Spatial Planning, under superintendence and tutelage of its minister.
ICNF is the national authority responsible for the conservation of nature ensuring the application of the International Conventions and Communitarian Directives, and is in charge for the management of protected areas in the national scope. ICNF is also responsible for the promotion and implementation of plans, programmes and strategies for biodiversity conservation, promotion of studies and inventory of flora, fauna and their habitats, inventory and register of species, promotion of information, disclosure and awareness in the field of Biodiversity and Nature Conservation, among others.
Throughout more than 30 years of existence, ICNF has developed significant efforts for the Iberian lynx conservation in Portugal. It was responsible for the LIFE projects “Conservation of the Iberian lynx” and “Recovery of habitat and preys of Lynx pardinus in Malcata Mountain”, in 1994 and 1999, respectively, both co-financed by the European Commission. ICNF has also promoted studies and actions in the Natural Reserve of Malcata Mountain. It is responsible for the implementation of the Action Plan for the Conservation of the Iberian Lynx in Portugal, which final aim is to feasible the conservation of this species in the national territory, reversing the populations’ continued decline process and recovering its historical nuclei.
Framed by the Iberian summit meetings, contacts and actions have been developed, particularly the participation of Portugal in the Work Group of the Iberian lynx and in the Iberian Committee of Captive Breeding of the Iberian Lynx, which contributed to the implementation of the ex-situ measure predicted in the Action Plan: the National Reproduction Center of the Iberian lynx (CNRLI).
Institutional contacts
Headquarters: Rua de Santa Marta, 55, 1169 - 230 LISBOA
Phone: +351 213 507 900
Fax: +351 213 507 984
E-mail: icnf[arroba]

CIS – Centro de Investigação e de Intervenção Social

CIS is a non-profit research center that develops research, intervention based on research, and scientific training in psychology, centered in the social and organizational psychology within social sciences. The Center is recognized as a Unit for Research and Development by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) and has the status of associated Scientific Research Unit of ISCTE-IUL, being strictly connected to the Social Psychology Department and to the Organizations of ISCTE-IUL (DEPSO) and its Social Psychology and Organizational Laboratory (LAPSO).
Founded in 1989, CIS has more than 60 researchers and is still growing. This confers it a critical mass, enabling it as a reference in several areas (gender relations, organizational psychology, community psychology, environment psychology, risk perception, emotions, inter-group relations, social cognition, social justice). CIS obtained an Excellent in the evaluation of I &D Units, in 2007, promoted by FCT.
CIS is also actively involved in the social intervention near policy makers, the community and enterprises, and its members intervene in expert and public debates on a diversity of social matters. The scientific production of CIS serves as basis for consulting, counseling and intervention, and for the dissemination of socially useful knowledge.

Institutional contacts
Headquarters: Edifício ISCTE – IUL, Av. das Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisboa
Phone: +351 217903079
Fax: +351 217903962
E-mail: cis[arroba]